12 Stunning Architecture Websites for Web Design Inspiration
Are you on the hunt for some standout design ideas for Architecture Websites? These websites serve as a hub for cutting-edge industry trends, insightful research, innovative design ideas, project showcases, and practical tips for both aspiring and established architects. Join me as we explore 12 Architecture Websites that are sure to spark your creativity and redefine what you thought you knew about the web design world.
1. Gensler
The website is clear and shows the kind of architecture they offer. It has a video at the top that makes it more engaging, highlighting good UX design. The site is user-friendly, with all the key information visible right away and eye-catching colors. The blog and podcast are easy to find, too. The “Learn More” button is a smart touch—it helps visitors connect with the company.
https://www.gensler.com/2. SOM
Off the bat, the above the fold video hero gives the best possible impression of their architecture firm. Again, we’ve seen a common thread with all of these sites so far. Easy to navigate, great layouts, clean uncluttered space and brilliant simplistic animation that add movement and flow. When you scroll below the fold, it’s perfection, even on iOS and Android mobile devices.
https://www.som.com/3. Aspire Design Studio
This website takes a slightly different approach. They have their work opaque in the background with strong value propositions that doubles as call to action to learn more. Contact information is in your face and they are not shy to add a second CTA to book a consultation. The more you scroll, the trust factors just pile up with more value props broken down into stats, great portfolio work, more CTAs and social proof.
https://aspiredesignlv.com/4. ZGF
When an architecture firm does great work, the best thing is to showcase it where people are going to see it first. Not only is some of their work above the fold on their homepage, they have a great value proposition on display. normally I don’t like hamburger or aux style menus but in this case, in just works. When you see the rest of the site, you’ll see their beautiful portfolio with more great messaging and story telling.
https://www.zgf.com/5. LMN Architects
Another simple, full size hero image that works. Normally, I am not a huge fan of full size hero images but in this case, the simplicity is pretty special. The nav bar is simple and clean. And they are coming in hot with a solid value proposition that matches their work. Very powerful. And scrolling through the site, you’ll see great messaging and their work throughout.
https://lmnarchitects.com/6. A Design Group
They say sliders aren’t great for conversion. But in this case, you’re guaranteed to watch every slide. The site conveys that this architecture group does great work from the very first view of the site. And when you scroll down below the fold you see plenty of value propositions and trust. Their services are displayed nicely, there are CTAs placed nicely and the site is optimized for accessibility. Looks great on mobile and tablet devices.
https://www.adg10.com/7. Olson Kundig
When you do excellent work, you show, you don’t tell. Olson Kundig is no exception. Scrolling through their website and you will see just that. For an architecture website, you don’t need lines of copy to surf from. It’s about the layout, functionality, user experience (UX), and performance and this site ticks those boxes.
https://olsonkundig.com/8. Valerio Dewalt Train
Amazing use of typography, color, whitespace and playfulness. When you scroll through this site, you will see beautiful architecture imagery and above the fold video on the homepage. Notice how the visuals and typography are working together to create a beautiful canvas. But don’t sleep on the copy and value propositions. Very good!
https://www.buildordie.com/9. David Brown International
Ever so often you come across a website that breaks web design conventions. It doesn’t always work but in this case it does. Notice there isn’t a navigation bar but below they display their services with prominent calls to action to learn more. Below you can find value propositions, clear messaging, and the latest architecture industry news.
https://dbifirm.com/10. SPFA
Another architecture design studio that breaks typical convention. This was built in Craft CMS which is a newer CMS on the market. What stands out is its color scheme and white space (or in this case, red space?) It’s just a hero image homepage. No scroll. But the navigation is clean and all the business information is easily assessable from the menu.
https://www.spfa.com/11. A2Z Millwork
What I love about this is how the hero and messaging are unified to make a great marketing moment. The services are prominently displayed and overall, the site is very well branded. The light animations of the lines that surround the heading “Commercial” add a bit of focus for the eyes to zone in on. Very great at conveying expertise and credibility through design.
https://a2zmillwork.com/12. Astound Group
When most Architecture Websites are using lots of white backgrounds, Astound Group breaks the mold with a dark website that conveys sleek and modern. Another site we’ve seen that has a simple navigation, clean logo and strong messaging throughout the site. When you scroll below the fold you’ll see a tagline “One brand. Maximum impact.” which is brilliant. Their site is oozing in awesome work!
https://www.astoundgroup.com/When Design Inspiration Strikes
You might be building an Architecture Website for your firm and stumbled across this post for inspiration. Or you are a web designer looking for Architecture Websites for inspiration for your clients upcoming web project. Whatever the case, feel free to bookmark this post to save for later when inspiration strikes!
But if you want to spend more time on your business and not on your website, Neon Flamingo Creative can help. Get in touch with us today.
Meet the Author
Lance Rohde
Over the past 12 years, I've honed my digital marketing skills by working with well-known brands such as Eu Natural, Skinny Ms., and Costco, to name a few. Together with my wife Candyce, we help other businesses improve their marketing online. When I'm not helping my customers win, I'm playing/recording music, flying my drone and hanging with the family.